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Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 7, 2024

Free Course Computer Vision Masterclass



Free Course Computer Vision Masterclass

What you'll learn:
  • Understand the basic intuition about Cascade and HOG classifiers to detect faces
  • Implement face detection using OpenCV and Dlib library
  • Learn how to detect other objects using OpenCV, such as cars, clocks, eyes, and full body of people
  • Compare the results of three face detectors: Haarcascade, HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) and CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks)
  • Detect faces using images and the webcam
  • Understand the basic intuition about LBPH algorithm to recognize faces
  • Implement face recognition using OpenCV and Dlib library
  • Recognize faces using images and the webcam
  • Understand the basic intuition about KCF and CSRT algorithms to perform object tracking
  • Learn how to track objects in videos using OpenCV library
  • v.v...

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🙏 ỦNG HỘ CHÚNG MÌNH -Người nhận Nguyen Huu Cuong Số tài khoản:0541000172196 Ngân hàng:Vietcombank