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Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 4, 2023

Công cụ trực tuyến miễn phí tạo mật khẩu mạnh 100% trên WebAppNinja.com


Password Generator

Password Generator

Công cụ trực tuyến miễn phí tạo mật khẩu mạnh 100% trên WebAppNinja.com

 Ngày nay, mọi người đều cần một Mật khẩu mạnh. Công cụ Trình tạo mật khẩu này sẽ dựa trên các số, ký tự, chữ cái và ký hiệu để cung cấp một mật khẩu mạnh ngẫu nhiên khó đoán với mật khẩu dễ nhớ.

 Giới thiệu về Công cụ tạo mật khẩu ngẫu nhiên mạnh?

 Mật khẩu rất quan trọng vì chúng có thể giúp bảo mật dữ liệu và danh tính của bạn.  Tuy nhiên, tạo một mật khẩu mạnh có thể là một thách thức.  Đây là lúc trình tạo mật khẩu mạnh ngẫu nhiên xuất hiện. Với công cụ này, bạn có thể tạo một mật khẩu mạnh chỉ bằng cách nhập độ dài mong muốn, độ phức tạp của mật khẩu và độ mạnh của mật khẩu.

There are three main ways to use this tool:

Creating a strong password with a certain number of characters, symbols, numeric numbers, characters, and uppercase letters, etc. This tool will give you a strong password that is created automatically according to your settings, and it is the perfect tool for all of your online accounts.

This tool will automatically generate strong passwords with random 8 characters. This tool is based on your input guidelines setting.

Good password generators do the following:

  1. Up to 8 Character Length Password
  2. Include Numbers
  3. Include Symbols
  4. Include Lowercase Characters
  5. Include Uppercase Characters
  6. Your own words
  7. Include Symbols
  8. Include Numbers

Strong Password Generator Online Tools : To protect you from having your passwords compromised through brute force, social engineering or dictionary attack techniques and to ensure that you protect your online accounts It is important to note that:

  • Use a different username, password or answer for multiple accounts.
  • Create a random password with more than 16 characters. make sure you use at minimum one number, one uppercase and one lowercase letter, and one symbol that is unique.
  • Don't use any names from your family members, pets, friends or family members in your passwords.
  • Don't use postcodes or house numbers, telephone numbers, birth dates or ID card numbers, social security, etc. when you create passwords.
  • Don't use any dictionary words for your passwords. Examples of passwords that are weak include: 4325123; Gbt332179ZmMEF 34234, 75674443, norton password.
  • Do not use two or more similar passwords which most of their characters are the same, for example, ilovefreshflowersMac, ilovefreshflowersDropBox, since if one of these passwords is stolen, then it means that all of these passwords are stolen
  • Don't use anything which is duplicated( but not changed ) as your passwords for example, fingerprints.
  • Don't allow the Web internet browsers( FireFox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, IE, Microsoft Edge ) to keep your passwords in, as the passwords stored in Web browsers could be exposed easily.
  • Don't sign in to important accounts on the computer of other users and also when connecting to WiFi hotspot in public, Tor, free VPN or web proxy.
  • Don't transmit sensitive information online using encrypted( e.g. HTTP and FTP ) connections, as messages transmitted through these connections can be intercepted with a minimum of effort. Make sure to make use of encrypted connections like HTTPS, SFTP, FTPS SMTPS, IPSec as often as you can.
  • What is the security of my password? You might think that your passwords are secure and are extremely difficult to break. If a hacker takes your username and MD5 is the hash of your password on a server belonging to a business or the rainbow table created by the hacker has the MD5 hash, your password could be hacked rapidly.
  • To determine the validity of your strong password generator, and to determine whether they're in the popular rainbow tables, transform your passwords into MD5 hashes with an MD5 hash generator. You can then encode your passwords by sending the hashes on an internet-based MD5 encryption service. For instance, your password is "0123456sdf9A", using the brute-force method, it may take a computer almost one year to crack your password, but if you decrypt it by submitting its MD5 hash( C8E7279CD035B23BB9C0F1F954DFF5B3 ) to a MD5 decryption website, how long will it take to crack it? You can try the test yourself.
  • While traveling, you can secure your Internet connections prior to leaving your tablet, laptop or mobile phone. You can also encrypt your connections before leaving your router, mobile phone. You can, for instance, create a private VPN using protocols such as WireGuard( as well as IKEv2), OpenVPN, SSTP, L2TP over IPSec ) on your personal server( your home computer dedicated server, VPS or dedicated server ) as well as connect. Alternatively, you can create the secure SSH VPN tunnel that connects your computer and the server, and then configure Chrome and FireFox to use a socks proxy. Even if someone steals your information as it's transferred through your devices( e.g. iPad, laptop, iPhone ) as well as your computer via a sniffer for packets, they are unable to steal your information and passwords from encrypted stream data.
  • It is recommended that you change your passwords every 30 to 45 weeks.
  • It's suggested that you keep some master passwords as well as store any other passwords in plain text file, then secure the file using 7-Zip, GPG or disk encryption program like BitLocker as well as manage the passwords by using an application for managing passwords.
  • Switch on 2-step authentication as often as you can.
  • Do not save your most important passwords in the cloud.
  • Access websites that are important( e.g. PayPal ) by using bookmarks however, if you are not sure, check the domain name thoroughly. It's an excellent idea to verify the reputation of a site by using the Alexa toolbar to make sure it's not a fake website prior to entering your password.
  • Make sure your computer is protected by installing a firewall and anti-virus software and block all incoming connections as well as all unnecessary connections outgoing through the firewall. Download the software from trusted sites , and confirm the MD5 / SHA1/ the SHA256 checksum as well as the GPG certification of the install program whenever you can.
  • Secure your passwords and backup them to various locations, then in the event that you lose access to your account or computer then you can get your passwords quickly.
  • Keep the operating system( e.g. Windows 7, Windows 10, Mac OS X, iOS, Linux ) and web browsers( e.g. FireFox, Chrome, IE, Microsoft Edge ) of your devices( e.g. Windows PC Mac PC iPhone, iPad, Android tablet ) kept up-to-date with the most recent security update.
  • If you have important files on your PC, and they can be accessed by anyone else and you are concerned about keyloggers, make sure that there are keyloggers on your hardware( e.g. the wireless keyboard sniffer ) as well as software keyloggers, and hidden cameras whenever you think that it is necessary.
  • If you have WIFI routers at home, it is possible to track the passwords you've entered( at the house of your neighbor ) through the motions of your hands and fingers as they receive a WIFI signal they receive changes when the fingers or hands. It is possible to make use of an on-screen keyboard to write your passwords in such situations, but it's safer if this computer keyboard( or soft keyboard ) alters its layout each time.
  • Secure the entire hard drive using VeraCrypt, FileVault, LUKS or similar tools prior to placing important files onto it, and erase the hard drive on your old devices physically, if you feel it is necessary.
  • Access the most important websites in private mode or incognito mode. Or, if you utilize the same Web browser to connect to important websites, and use another to access different websites. You can also access websites that are not important and install new software within a virtual machine made using VMware, VirtualBox or Parallels.
  • Make sure you lock your computer as well as your mobile phone after you have left the premises.
  • Do not reveal your passwords to anyone else via email.
  • Do not click on the link contained in an SMS or email message Do not reset your passwords after clicking them in the event that you are sure that these messages aren't fake.
  • Make sure you have at least two distinct numbers, but do not divulge to anyone else the number that you are using to receive text messages with your verification code.
  • Utilize at least three different email addresses. Use the first one to get emails from major websites and apps, like Paypal and Amazon and the third one to get emails from less important sites and apps and third one( using another email provider like Outlook as well as GMail ) to receive your password reset email when the first( e.g. Yahoo Mail ) is hacked.
  • Be aware when you are using online paste tools or screen capture tools. Do not allow them to send your passwords onto the cloud.
  • As a Webmaster, don't store users' passwords, security questions or answers in plain text within the database. Instead, keep the salted ( SHA1, SHA256 , or the SHA512 )hash values of the strings. It is suggested to create a unique salt string for every user. Additionally, it's an excellent idea to keep a record of the information of the device used by the user( e.g. OS version, screen resolution, etc. ) as well as save salted hash value and then, if the user attempts to log in using the correct password, but his/her information on the device isn't in line with the previously saved password allow the user to verify their identity by entering a verification code via text message, email or other means.
  • It is possible that the programs or apps you downloaded or downloaded were altered by hackers. You are able to avoid this issue by not installing the software or app for the first time, with the exception that it's released to correct security flaws. It is possible to use Web applications instead that are more secure and portable.
  • If you're a software developer, you must publish an update package using an encrypted private key with GnuPG and then check the signature using the public key that was previously published.
  • To ensure your business online is secure, you need to create a domain that you own and then set up an email account using this domain name. Then, you won't lose your email account or all your contacts since you can host your mail server from anywhere and your email account won't be removed by the email service provider.
  • Close your browser every time you exit your computer, or else the cookies could be stolen by a small USB device that is easily accessible and allow you to avoid two-step verification to log into your account using stolen cookies from other computers.
  • Do not trust and eliminate bad SSL certificates from Your Web browser, or else you won't be able to guarantee the security and integrity of HTTPS connections that use these certificates.
  • If an online retailer does not allow payment via credit cards, you must make use of an online credit card in lieu.
  • Secure the entire partition Otherwise, disable the hibernation and pagefile functions. It is possible to locate your most important documents within pagesfile.sys and hiberfil.sys files. pagefile.sys as well as the hiberfil.sys files.
  • To stop brute force login attacks on those dedicated servers or VPS servers, or cloud servers, install intrusion detection and protection software like LFD.
  • If you can, consider using cloud-based software rather than installing the program locally on your device, as there's a growing number of supply chain attacks that will install malware-ridden applications or updates on your device in order to take your passwords and gain access to classified information.
  • It's recommended to make your MD5 or SHA1 checksums for the files that you have on your system( using software such as MD5Summer ) and save the results to verify the authenticity the integrity of those files( and look for trojan programs or files that have backdoors injection ) each throughout the day, by looking at their checksums against the results you saved earlier.
  • Every major company should adopt and use an Artificial Intelligence Intrusion detection system( including the tools to detect anomalies in network behavior ).
  • Only IP addresses that have been whitelisted to connect or log in to the most important servers and computers.

The Strong Random Password Generator will automatically generate strong, unpredictable passwords for you. There are lots of SEO and Web tools will generate strong passwords but they are more complicated, time-consuming, and have a lot of input guidelines. That is why the Strong Random Password Generator is so easy to use and so quick to generate a strong password.

Strong random password generator have setting you can use to keep simple, strong and easy to remember your password.

If you want your password to be 8 characters long, for example, you can do that by entering 8 in the password length field. If you want your password to be complex, you can do that by entering a high number in the password complexity field (e.g. 20). If you want your password to be high-strength, you can enter a number high in the password strength field (e.g. 8).

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