Học PHP cho người mới bắt đầu: Khóa học video miễn phí về PHP Crash
Learn PHP for Beginners with this complete PHP crash course

What you will learn from this Course:
- You will be able to install and work comfortably with PHP
- You will be able to read and write PHP code
- You will be able to understand some backend key terms
- You will be able to dive deep into some PHP complex topics easily
- You will be able to grasp most common PHP standards code in no time
Requirements for this Course:
- Just a PC!!!
Welcome to the instructive PHP compressed lesson for 2021 where learn present-day PHP.
I set up this compressed lesson for fledglings and it should be less in the measure of time, however truly, it got sort of far in light of the fact that the PHP is huge, in any case, I guarantee you will have incredible information and trust in your PHP abilities after you finish this course.
So take a gander at what I am presenting here
Some backend terms
What is PHP
Why use PHP
- Factors
- Constants
- Remarks
- Information types
- Activities
- Proclamations
- Circles
- Clusters
- Capacities
- Very worldwide Variables
- Structures
- Date and time
Who this course is for:
- Anyone who is interested in learning PHP
Course content:
- Introduction
- Installing
- Basic Syntax and First Steps
- Data Types
- Operators
- Statements
- Loops
- Arrays
- Function
- Super Globals