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Thứ Sáu, 8 tháng 11, 2019

Excel 2016 Formulas and Functions: Includes Content Update Program

Excel 2016 Formulas and Functions: Includes Content Update Program

1194 Pages · 2016 · 48.24 MB ·English
by Paul McFedries


Publisher Description

This book provides coverage of specific features and functions related to their particular productivity use. This series is for students who need to go further with the software to specifically solve complex applications and uses. This book not only takes them through Excel's intermediate and advanced options, but also tells them why these options are useful and shows them how to use them in everyday situations and real-world models with no-nonsense, step-by-step tutorials and lots of practical, useful examples.
📤Hướng dẫn cách tải file bị "giới hạn số lần tải" trên Google Drive https://www.kynangmoi.info/2019/10/huong-dan-cach-tai-file-bi-gioi-han-so.html?m=1
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